Tuesday, January 27, 2015

Impact of Stress on Work Life Balance

Work is a key factor through which people get satisfaction and a sense of achievement in life, but at the same time it can also be one of the biggest sources of stress in life. The balance between work and life has always remained a reason for quality of working life and has had a direct impact in relation to the quality of life (Ross & Vasantha, 2014).

An imbalance in between work and balance within the people of the company can have a ripple effect on several factors like;
-          A high employee turnover or absenteeism that can be company-wide or just restricted to a specific segment of the company due to lowered level of job satisfaction among employees.
-          Poor team work, flawed communication within the organization and reduced performance.
-          Stress from work can delve into the private life unnecessarily.
-          Stress or unhappiness of employees will reduce performance and productivity, which will in turn affect the clients or customers of the company.

Poor work life balance affects individuals differently and the affects can be diverse, varying from person to person (Bia.ca, 2015).


Ross, D. S. & Vasantha, S. (2014). A conceptual study onimpact of stress on work-life balance. Sai Om Journal of Commerce & Management, 1 (2). 61 – 65.

Bia.ca,. (2015). A Report on the Importance ofWork-Life Balance. Retrieved 27 January 2015, from http://www.bia.ca/articles/AReportontheImportanceofWork-LifeBalance.htm

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